Suppliers' Location

This chart is about suppliers' location of in furniture industry. You can learn about where most suppliers are located.

Audited Suppliers' Location

Audited Suppliers is a premium membership offered by can know about the Audited Suppliers' location from this chart.

Buyers' Location

This chart is about buyers' location of in furniture industry. You can learn about where buyers come from.

  • Suppliers' Location
  • Audited Suppliers' Location
  • Buyers' Location
  • Export Volume
  • Export Target
  • Customs
Month Quantity (pcs) Value (1000USD) Quantity Y-O-Y(%) Amout Y-O-Y(%)
Jan. 3,139,587 223,369,887 -6.80 98.70
Feb. 2,068,845 184,999,459 7.40 195.60
Mar. 2,076,836 114,118,351 -34.10 4.10
Apr. 3,037,895 213,225,443 -11.70 3.30
May 2,999,433 212,377,755 -12.20 -28.10
Jun. 2,790,918 174,301,426 -10.20 -26.70
Jul. 2,856,522 161,683,246 -3.10 -26.80
Aug. 2,644,626 129,557,330 -12.90 -32.50
Sept. 2,610,203 128,042,842 -10.50 -35.90
Oct. 2,976,991 222,215,667 3.90 7.30
Nov. 3,555,191 268,169,729 35.60 56.80
Dec. 3,272,024 276,092,620 -1.20 -8.50
Total 34,029,071 2,308,153,755 -5.80 -0.40

The products are exported to different countries in the world. You can know about the proportion of export targets from this chart.

The products are exported from different Chinese customs. You can know about the proportion of the major Chinese export customs from this chart.

  • Import
  • Export

Industry Report